Driving school
theory book
for category B+ and BE

Requirements for the driving test.

Hvis man ikke tidligere har haft kørekort til B+ eller B+E, skal man have modtaget undervisning hos en kørelærer, der er godkendt til kategorierne C og D og E, en såkaldt “storvogns-kørelærer”. Undervisningen må først påbegyndes, når man har erhvervet kørekort til kategori B, altså almindeligt bilkørekort. Undervisningen skal følge Trafik- og Byggestyrelsens undervisningsplan til kategori B+E og omfatter både det teoretiske og praktiske pensum. Under øvelseskørslen på offentlig vej skal kørelæreren være med i bilen og tage plads ved siden af eleven. Kørelæreren anses da for at være fører af vogntoget og kørslen foregår på hans ansvar. Kørelæreren skal ved køreprøven med sin underskrift bekræfte, at undervisningen har fundet sted i overensstemmelse med undervisningsplanen. Færdselsstyrelsen kræver altid en lægeattest og kan undertiden kræve en særlig helbredsattest, hvis det skønnes nødvendigt.

The student must bring a driving licence to the test. Holders of a "folding driving licence" must bring a valid passport or original baptism, name or birth certificate.

During the driving test, the examiner must assess whether the learner has acquired the knowledge and skills set out in the syllabus. The driving test consists of a practical part, during which a suitable route is driven and the safety equipment of the vehicle combination is checked (the test is called the "Control test"). The driving test must not be less than 25 minutes, but may be extended or interrupted earlier if necessary if the learner's driving ability is very poor. During the test, the learner is considered to be the driver of the vehicle combination with the associated responsibilities and obligations.

For all tests apply:
The test begins with the 2 vehicles parked side by side. The learner must reverse the car to the trailer and perform a coupling as stated in section 17. The learner must also master a decoupling.

Control sample:
The skill of checking the trailer's statutory equipment is part of the practical test. During the inspection, the learner must, without the use of tools, examine and decide whether the parts being inspected fulfil the legal requirements, including being able to explain how the inspection is carried out. The inspection test is first and foremost a test of practical skills and will never take the form of a theoretical review.

Driving test:
The learner must follow the route and manoeuvre instructions given by the examiner. Instructions must be given clearly and in sufficient time for the learner to be able to perceive and understand them and to prepare and carry out the instructions. The examiner must not force the learner into abnormal traffic situations. The examiner must intervene when using the car's controls if necessary for safety reasons or to avoid a collision.

The assessment.

A few minor errors cannot in themselves cause the test to be assessed as failed, as the student's driving must be assessed as a whole.
No actual routine or completely faultless driving should be required, but the examiner must distinguish between more and less serious faults. If the learner's driving is characterised by several and especially repeated minor errors, the examiner may, at his or her discretion, consider the test failed. A decisive judgement must not normally be made in the very first part of the test (the first 3-4-5 minutes) due to the general test nervousness.

The decisive factor in determining whether a fault is to be considered more or less serious is first and foremost its consequences for road safety and secondly for the unhindered flow of traffic. Errors in orientation or manoeuvring that involve the imminent possibility of a collision or other accident must be considered serious. Such errors may therefore in themselves lead to the test being considered failed and the test may be cancelled depending on the circumstances. Failure to comply with traffic instructions can also be considered a serious fault, e.g. driving where there are no entry signs or speeding where there is a speed limit. The imminent possibility of a collision or other accident does not only include cases where an opposing party is visibly present.

It may also include cases where the learner shows a clear lack of consideration and foresight by driving at such a speed that the learner is unable to orientate and stop for hidden obstacles that are likely to appear. This includes, for example, the situation where the learner drives forward with his vehicle combination to make a left turn at a light-regulated intersection, even though there are already 2-3 cars waiting there and it is obvious that he cannot leave the intersection before the crossing traffic has been given the green light. Repeated errors in the operation of the vehicle must be considered serious, insofar as they clearly reveal that the learner does not control the vehicle with sufficient safety.

The result of the test must be communicated to the learner immediately after the test. If the test is passed, the examiner will immediately issue a temporary driving licence, which is normally valid for two months or until the learner has received the original licence. Any previous driving licences must be handed in to the examiner.