Driving school
theory book
for tractor

Section 6.

Stopping and parking.


Parking means any parking of a vehicle with or without a driver. However, stopping for less than 3 minutes, stopping for boarding and alighting and loading or unloading of goods are not considered parking.

1. Stopping prohibited - 2. No parking. - 3. no parking.

Stopping and parking.

Stopping or parking must not be done in such a place or in such a way that it causes danger or inconvenience to traffic.

Stopping or parking is only permitted on the right-hand side of the road in the direction of traffic. However, on less busy roads and roads with one-way traffic, stopping or parking may take place on the left-hand side.

When stopping or parking, the vehicle must be positioned in the longitudinal direction of the road at the outer edge of the carriageway or, if possible, outside the carriageway.

When stopping or parking in a car park which, outside densely built-up areas, is immediately adjacent to the road, you must, as far as possible, use the parking space located on the right-hand side in the direction of traffic.

Stopping or parking is not permitted on cycle paths, footpaths or pavements, central reservation, ramps and the like.

Do not stop or park:

- On pedestrian crossings or exits from cycle paths, no closer than 5 metres in front of them.

- At junctions or within 10 metres from the edge of the approaching carriageway or, where the carriageway and cycle path merge, from the nearest edge of the cycle path. (Parking in a parking bay is always permitted).

- On a railway or other level crossing.

- So the board or signal is covered.

- On a motorway bridge, viaduct or tunnel.

- On or near obscure hilltops or bends in the road.

- Closer to a marshalling area than 5 m from the start of the barrier lines.

- Next to a barrier line if the distance between the vehicle and the line is less than 3 metres.

- In a crawlspace.

- At a marked taxi rank.

- At a marked bus stop, no closer than 12 metres on either side of the sign.

Parking is not allowed:

- Closer than 30 metres from a railway crossing.

- Next to entrances and exits to and from properties or gates.

- On the carriageway, on main roads outside densely populated areas.

- Beside another vehicle parked at the edge of the carriageway, except for two-wheeled bicycles, mopeds or motorcycles without a sidecar, or in such a way that access to the other vehicle is obstructed or that the other vehicle cannot be driven from the spot.

When you leave the vehicle.

When you leave your vehicle, make sure it can't start up on its own. This can be done by braking with the parking brake or by putting the tractor in gear. A tractor with a diesel engine should never be parked in gear, as the engine can start if the tractor is pushed. You must also take measures to ensure that the vehicle cannot be used by others without authorisation. Mandatory anti-theft protection (e.g. steering wheel lock) must be activated.

When necessary to prevent or avert danger, you must use audible or visual signals to draw the attention of other road users to the danger.
During headlight switch-on time, use a light signal (when flashing high or low beam) instead of an audible signal unless the danger is imminent.
Use of the horn in other cases is prohibited.

Use of turn signals.

Drivers must signal before starting from the edge of the road and before turning and swerving. When changing lanes or other not insignificant change in the vehicle's position to the side, drivers must signal when it is required to guide other traffic. This includes before stopping at the edge of the road.

Emergency flash.

A tractor's indicators can be designed as hazard warning lights, which work in such a way that all indicators work simultaneously. The hazard warning lights must be connected to an indicator lamp.

Use of hazard warning lights.

A tractor which, due to a road accident or breakdown, is stationary on the carriageway in such a way that it endangers or impedes traffic, may use hazard warning lights as a warning signal. Any other use of hazard warning lights is prohibited. Please note that marking with hazard warning lights does not exempt you from marking with a warning triangle.

Test your knowledge

Cat. TM - Section 6

Select the questions you think are the right ones.

Is loading and unloading considered parking or stopping?
Can you stop or park 8 metres before an intersection?
Do you have to park 40 metres from a railway crossing?
Do you need turn signals when starting from the edge of the road?