Driving school
theory book
for category B+ and BE

Introduction - What you need to learn

You might as well get the end of the book right away: A driving licence in itself cannot make you a good driver. A driving licence is initially proof that you've passed your driving test and that you've been taught and understand the basic rules. As you become more experienced, you will become better at handling unexpected situations and understanding traffic in general. As a driver, you have a great responsibility at all times because the vast majority of accidents are caused by human error. It is approximately with these words that this theory book ends. But first, there's a lot you need to learn.

In the Preface you will find useful information

It's very popular to connect a towbar or, as it's called, a "trailer" to your car. This is perhaps due to the fact that towing equipment and trailers have become cheaper and better than ever, and drivers have found it attractive to have a powerful car for sight-free coupling. There are many benefits to being able to easily connect a nice big trailer to your car. Craftsmen can more easily bring more materials and tools to the construction site without worrying about overloading the car, and camping enthusiasts may find that camping in a tent is becoming a bit impractical and that a proper caravan is simply the way to go. Horse trailers are also commonly seen on the road, and it's becoming more common to see trailers that can take 2 horses at a time. However, a family car towing a large trailer will always be an unstable vehicle in unskilled hands, and as trailers are sold bigger and heavier (caravans are now often around 2.50 metres wide), the risk of road accidents increases. To prevent this risk, you now need a B+ or B-E licence, commonly known as a 'trailer licence', which, after training and a driving test, entitles you to drive a car towing a medium-sized trailer. This book is intended to help drivers who are currently studying for a B+ or B-E licence and who want to be well prepared for the driving test and who want to be broadly oriented in the Danish "trailer world".

Dansk Kørelærer-Union wishes you good luck.

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