large cars
Driving school
theory book
for category C - D - C/E - D/E

Large cars and lorries

Introduction - What you need to learn

You might as well get the end of the book right away: A driving licence in itself cannot make you a good driver. A driving licence is initially proof that you've passed your driving test and that you've been taught and understand the basic rules. As you become more experienced, you will become better at handling unexpected situations and understanding traffic in general. As a driver, you have a great responsibility at all times because the vast majority of accidents are caused by human error. It is approximately with these words that this theory book ends. But first, there's a lot you need to learn.

Good knowledge

This book has been prepared in accordance with the RIGSPOLITIET's syllabus for driver training for categories C, D, C/E and D/E and the regulations for commercial passenger transport by bus. It is also based on experience from teaching, training and testing of drivers of large cars and lorries. The book is equipped with illustrations that correspond in proportion and type to the slides, questions and exercises used in the theory test.
In preparing the book, emphasis has been placed on an instructive and comprehensible form that can facilitate the learning of the material. For the same reason, technical details are only included in cases where it is beneficial to understanding and where it can provide background knowledge for learning and understanding the duties of drivers of large cars and combinations of vehicles with regard to operation, inspection and maintenance.